There are several ways to buy gold, namely: Buying directly in physical gold or gold shop in a gold producer directly, then store them in a safe deposit box or safe deposit box. This is a way to save the most traditional gold and the safest.
Buying gold with margin trading system (trading Loco). With this strategy to buy gold by using leverage or the leverage (typically 1:100 or even 1:500 above). However, this technique is also at high risk and could lose money if one trade (hit margin call), but this technique can also produce significant profit return. If you want to trade gold by way of margin trading, it must prepare money for capital at least a minimum of $ 250 (if in broker abroad), or tens of thousands of U.S. dollars (for a local broker), it is merely in order to withstand the floating position when dragged and should not be hasty. (Tips safe for capital and volume of Capital $ 50,000 lot = lot 1, lot 0.1 Capital $ 5,000, $ 500 lot of capital 0.01). Read also in the selection of broker
Buying Gold with Options, commonly known as the Buy Gold and then rented out. This technique can be run when you understand the trading Options, that you use the techniques Buy Call, or Buy gold ETF or gold directly, and then offset by Sell Put position to get the premium (income rent). This technique can also be combined with other options techniques. (This technique is only available through Broker Options trading in Foreign Affairs). The advantages of this technique is that we already know and would obviously risk in advance at the front. Leverage buy gold with this technique is about 1:10 (buy 1 to 10 gold).
We entrust money to someone else, or an investor in a gold investment company. This method is dependent on the investment manager (fund manager), but it is also very vulnerable to fraudulent behavior. And we do not have control over the performance of investments.
Which is the best strategy to buy gold?
Of course depending on your choice according to individual risk tolerance to your own. High Risk High Gain.
Among the above techniques to buy gold, here is the Order By The risks are:
SAFEST: buying physical gold directly and stored in a safe deposit box at the bank. (Safe Score: 90)
LOW RISK: buy gold with Pawn techniques Sharia. (Safe Score: 70)
RELATIVELY SAFE (risks are known up front): buy gold with Options Trading techniques. (Safe Score: 70)
HIGH RISK: buy gold with margin trading. (Safe Score: 40 or depending on the method of technique)
VERY HIGH RISK: entrust our money to another person or company for investment gold traded with a certain yield. (Safe Score: N / A, depending on confidence)
If your capital is great and you are very conservative type, we recommend using a technique that is the number 1 store physical gold directly. But if you are a sophisticated investor but with less risk then we recommend using the technique of buying gold by the trading options. Minimum capital needed for the Options Trading Gold is around $ 3000 to do this method. But to capital under it (or more were allowed as long as it has been mastered) we recommend using margin trading techniques (see description below)
If there is any type of risk takers and have a willingness to learn the technique of gold with deeper and serious, then to gold with margin trading techniques may also be done if you understand how to work, calculations, as well as the risks. Because this technique (margin trading) is the only way to be able to generate incredible profits doubled in Gold or Silver. (But also high risk, because there is liquidated or the risk of a margin call)
CAPITAL for trading margin = ideally is above $ 250 in online brokerage overseas CREDIBLE and CFTC regulated.
Why Gold Trading with Margin (trading loco) can be multiplied Fortunately Profit Other than engineering?
Example: In the method of gold trading on margin you simply need capital of around $ 1000, then you can actually buy gold equivalent of 3.1 (three point one) kilogram.
(NO NEED to use hundreds of thousands of U.S. dollars for gold could buy the 3.1 kg) so you can imagine the value of the multiple benefits of this method of trading margin but certainly can not be a haphazard manner. How is margin trading should understand the technique used will then be a success! We suggest to practice on a demo account at least 3 months in advance in order to master it if you want to try this in a credible broker or brokers.
There are three main things to consider in buying gold, both bullion and jewelery:
Find out on today's gold price information. This information can be obtained from the internet, or directly inquire and compare prices in stores.
Find a dealer shop that has a good reputation. In Indonesia there are no gold standards. To determine prices, the role of the store is very dominant. In addition to finding stores that provide the lowest price, we also need to know the reputation of the store. The gold we buy at the store A, if you want to sell to the store B, certainly the price falls. Why? Therefore, no karetase gold standard, so that the role of the store plays a very large price.
Note the quality of goods, especially in the form of jewelry. If we want to buy, we have to pay two prices. That is the intrinsic price (the value of gold itself) and extrinsic price (cost of manufacture). The better the quality of goods, the higher the cost of manufacture. But if we want to sell, that we get only the intrinsic value. Cost of manufacture will not be counted.
Here are some tips in how to buying gold:
Use idle money (set aside a percentage of regular income to buy gold periodically).
Look for the gold price information before buying or selling gold.
Determine whether you want to own gold jewelry, gold bullion, or gold coins. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of each.
If you want to buy gold jewelery, watch trends and tastes of consumers in general, both in the current and future trend.
Choose a reliable and experienced vendor.
Try to bid on the cost of manufacturing services (particularly for gold jewelery). In principle, the cost is negotiable. The more weight of gold to be purchased, the more flexible fare services.
Buy gold certified so the price stays high when they wanted to sell.
Choose sellers who are willing to buy back our gold (buy back guarantee).
Do not hesitate to ask for testing gold content.
Keep in a safe place. Should keep in iron safes or safety deposit box.
If collecting jewelry, choose a weight is relatively small (eg 5-10 grams) to be more flexible and easy to resell.
Keep track of the development of the gold price, especially in the event of a rapid and sharp fluctuations. Step that the high prices, buy when prices are low.
Try not to sell gold because as consumer driven needs. If forced to sell, choose a collection of old who had given significant advantages.
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